Grafis 24.0 Release 27 (since 11.12.2024)
- new dialogue for the display of basic directories in Grafis
- switch all objects to visible by default in new empty files
- Construction: error correction when displaying temporary objects (e.g. dimensions, crosshairs in F3, drag handles and labelling in the interactive menu)
- Marker: no longer automatically switch repeat lines to visible when entering repeat values
- Marker: better handling when rotating parts that are currently in the move state
- Marker: Adjust display factor in stock boxes even when the main window is enlarged
- Marker: Hem position settings moved to the central settings dialogue
- Marker: Line type assignment added to the central settings dialogue
- Marker: Refresh of zoom value in status corrected and activation/deactivation of pin needle for fixed scale
Grafis 24.0 Release 26 (since 29.11.2024)
- Scrollbar in extended piece text available again
- Default for visibility of the parts bar set to ‘always visible’
- Start of the update now checks for other open GRAFIS instances
- Construktion: Correction when moving symbols
- Construktion: improved activation of texts in the texts menu
- Construktion: Corrections and improvements in grade rule pattern menu
- Construktion: Z-value dialogue, activation of the last list entry corrected
- Basic blocks & tools: Correction in the ‘Relocate dart’ tool
- Basic blocks & tools: Option picture in link 10 corrected
- Marker: Correction in material dialogue, transfer of option changes for material errors and shrinkage values
- Marker: Dialogue registration marks improved
- Installer and Uninstaller with improvements: additional uninstall option in Uninstall and extended controls in Installer
Grafis 24.0 Release 25 (since 11.10.2024)
- Construction: Error correction for list display in the ‘Insert reference’ dialogue
- Construction: Improvement in the export of DXF, new option for output to layer and export of all parts to a combined DXF file
- Construction: Improvements in import (AAMA) (here in particular files from the Astor Technologies system)
- Construction: Improvements in the menu navigation regarding availability of X values and size dialogue
- Construction: Extensive improvements in the menu navigation within grade rule pattern grading, here in particular:
- - print grading rules
- - Refresh of the part bar when digitising/saving
- - Delete objects’ submenu
- - Submenu ‘Group grade points’
- - Accessibility of zoom and F3
- - Digitise’ submenu
- - Submenu ‘Drag grade points’
- - Submenu ‘Adopt grade rules’
- - Correct restoration of the initial situation when cancelling the function
- - Improvement in grade rule acceptance regarding grading of notches
- - Addition of test run/grading in many sub-functions
- - Correction in the dialogue for grading rules when entering values with the spin control
- Construction: Reduced delays when starting the interactive menu for the first time
- Construction: Reset Z values, improved menu navigation in the assistant
- Construction: Reactivation of the edit dimension table button in the size list
- Construction: ‘Insert reference parts’ window with better minimum widths and default size
- Construction: Default window size for open/save, F12 list, Z values redefined
- Marker: in the part properties dialogue, improvement when saving the mirror and 180° rotation options
- Marker: Export of CutDataDXF, here the ‘Labelling text’ button now controls the layer for path labelling separately
- Marker: Correction of default directory for saving marker info files (sbi), production models and layplans
- Marker: Standard positions of the docks in the layplan programme defined separately
- Marker: correction of the ‘Open next style’ or ‘Open next layplan’ function at the end of the list
- Marker: improved error messages if labelling files do not exist or are incorrect
Grafis 24.0 Release 24 (since 26.07.2024)
- Parts bar can now display >20 boxes at high resolutions and the boxes are enlarged adaptively
- Open/save file and insert link dialogues now have a larger default size when first opened
- Correctly redisplay parts after refreshing link if visible
- ‘Update link’ must not subsequently change the identifier ’without source’
- Display size entry in status is now updated correctly for newly opened models
- Always reopen info box when new entries are shown (important e.g. for notification of missing sizes and pieces in the layplan)
- Construction: Change in part wizard; now also jumps to parts with text entry and/or objects at the end (behaviour in V12)
- Construction: Replacement part identifier is no longer transferred via module save/open
- Construction: in the plot/print dialogue, part and size are again included in the status
- Construction: X-value list gets 2nd row in table header with display for which sizes this entry is effective (plus tooltip with complete list)
- Construction: Problem when importing AAMA or ASTM/DXF with multiple files fixed
- Construction: The value entries in the context menu are now memorised for each part in the model; the settings for the ‘Cyclic call’ and ‘Auto start’ buttons are memorised for each entry in Settings.ini
Grafis 24.0 Release 23 (since 12.07.2024)
- Echo displays on the direction circle and in the point pick are now with decimal place, input of ‘,’ as decimal separator is now tolerated
- Toolbar, control bar and context bar can now be scrolled using the mouse wheel
- Error correction when loading the FNT file with classic installation and relocation of folders
- Correction in the part parameter window; click on second screen was not accepted under certain circumstances
- Focus on main window after entering the zoom factor
- Correction in the change symbols dialogue with reference to exchange parts
- Correction Insert reference parts from models with only one part
- Change to display ‘What's new’ window in script mode
- Improvements in the open/save dialogue regarding folder display, cut and paste
- Construction: in the open/save dialogue, the ‘Delete’ entry was sometimes missing in the context menu
- Construction: correction in the stitch dialogue (>10 point stitching)
- Construction: Improvement in the attribute menu, do not set attribute multiple times
- Construction: Export, value pair 4/99 is now default for the definition of grade points
- Construction: F12 list now reacts immediately to arrow keys
- Construction: Print frame now has a paging function with special cursors and position is saved in the style
- Construction: The export parameter window now has a cross-reference to the F1 help
- Marker: Dialogue ‘Marker options’ visually improved
- Marker: Control of the toolbar improved (reaction to right-click or function change)
- Marker: new sorting method for the size list when automatically converting MDL to PMD
- Marker: optical correction in the repeat menu
- Basic blocks & tools: Curve+Curve with replace correction for shift line in connection with ‘reset’
- Basic blocks & tools: Spread tool display of the spread amount
- Basic blocks & Tools: Transform with call variant Rotate P==>P; Percentage rotation now also with XGZ attribute
- Others: Dongle test has more comprehensible button labelling
Grafis 24.0 Release 22 (since 17.05.2024)
- Correction when zooming with mouse scroll wheel
- Dutch translation improved
- Construction: Display in library window when switching ‘show/hide mirrored constructions’ corrected
- Marker: Adjustments for the use of the cut order planning
- Marker: Correction when reporting unauthorised parts in the display
- Basic constructions & tools: Correction of attributes in lengthen 10, shorten dart 10 and relocate dart
Grafis 24.0 Release 21 (since 02.05.2024)
- Construction: Extension of the display in the library to more than 30,000 entries
- Construction: Improvement of the build-up time of the library window
- Construction: Dialogue guidance improved when collecting objects for transformations
- Construction: Improved behaviour of raster value slider
- Construction: Correction for conversion of insert commands in the protocol
- Construction: Corrections in the Z-value window
- Construction: Display of the X-value window in maximised state corrected
- Correction for right-click and drag action in size list
- Improved feedback for copy errors in the installation process
- Dialogues in the installer and program settings adapted to high DPI resolutions
- Extension of reserved memory for better default settings
- Basic blocks: comprehensive revision of all upper parts with corrections and harmonisation of options and drag handles
Grafis 23.0 Release 18 (since 06.03.2024)
- Display of list box corrected (display in size list of cutting image programme)
- Recognition of mapped or virtual drives during installation
- Construction: Corrections in X and Z value dialogue (display)
- Construction: Part wizard now warns if part already contains a large number of record entries and there is not enough space for further steps; also correction in corner recording and limit extension for number of converted notches
- Marker: the buttons for All and None are now available again for size selection when inserting a reference
- Marker: improved logic when using construction and production styles
- Marker: prevent misleading messages about missing sizes and parts when replacement parts are in use
- Marker: Message for missing fabric width
- Basic constructions & tools: Sleeves 90/100 (fullness comb); transformations
Grafis 23.0 Release 17 (since 09.02.2024)
- Download tool revised; silent mode, selection of additional packages
- Automated language setting after installation
- Recognition of mapped or virtual drives during installation
- Construction: improved display of test run progress in the X-value window
- Marker: correction when laying on doubled fabric with semi-automatic mode
- Marker: Display error in the open dialogue for layplans fixed
- Basic constructions & tools: Sleeves 90/100 (fullness comb); transformations
Grafis 23.0 Release 16 (since 30.01.2024)
- Always adapt maximised parts window to the size of the main window
- Improved colouring for crosshair/drag display in F3
- Automatic use of screen dimensions for correct X/Y display
- Improved display on multi-monitor setup (recognising and assigning multiple screens with different display parameters)
- Automatic update now takes place in silent mode
- Construction: Error correction when selecting the dimensioning language
- Construction: Limit extension in library
- Construction: Limit extension when displaying dimension tables (now up to 20,000)
- Construction: Interaction between part wizard and visibility box improved
- Construction: Library and visibility by default on right bar
- Construction: Cutting attribute on point allowed again (punch point for cutter output)
- Construction: Export by default to the same drive where style was opened
Grafis 23.0 Release 15 (since 11.12.2023)
- Improved dock window library and visibility (order and positioning)
- Colouring of graded and ungraded text improved
- Accelerated display of lists
- Window positions now better remembered, especially with changed DPI settings and different monitor setups
- Construction: when exporting DXF, contour line gets higher priority
- Construction: Text function Switching active part now possible and preventing texts from being linked to inactive parts; conversion of old texts also possible again
- Marker: Multi-column display now possible when opening (with display of values such as length, width, source style, etc.)
- New TeamViewer customer modules (V15)